JeOS under VMware ESXi

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Mon Oct 27 11:32:41 UTC 2008


On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 07:20:34AM -0500, n2vip at wrote:
> I was able to install JeOS from the i386 install ISO (by pressing F4) and successfully test it as described at <A href=""></A> but it seems I took too long in running the test, and now I can't enter my results ("We are not testing at the moment" according to <A href=""></A>). Fine, I can download and retest the new ISOs tomorrow.

The ISO QA tracker is only used to test milestoned isos (we're currently
preparing the final isos for 8.10). I'd suggest to subscribe to the ESX
test case in the tracker so that you'll be notified about new builds
requiring testing.

> The test for JeOS seem exceptionally short - there are at least three storage-related install options, and the complete set of server install options (LAMP, DNS, TOMCAT, etc.) that are not tested, and I think should be.

LAMP, dns and other tasks are already covered by other test cases. This
test case is targeted at making sure that Ubuntu can be installed in an
ESX environment (ie that the kernel is able to boot and the necessary
drivers are available in the -virtual kernel flavor).

> Also, the test case description is a bit thin, I'd like to add a couple sentences about ESXi setup and expand on the "Follow install procedure with defaults" step.

Agreed. The reason why the description may be thin is that the lack of
access to an ESXi environment means that the available options are
unknown. It seems that there are multiple choices when creating a guest
environment in ESXi (such as device drivers, etc...). Updating the test
case or creating other test cases is very welcomed - it's a wiki page.

> Finally, the Testing/ISO/Procedures page (<A href=""></A>) says the next testing day is Monday, Oct. 26th - that should be the 27th, right?

As mentioned above, subscribing to test cases on the ISO QA tracker and
hanging in the #ubuntu-testing IRC channel will keep you in the loop
wrt to ISO testing requests.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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