Server Team 20080326 meeting minutes

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Mar 27 06:47:42 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 20:34, Mathias Gug wrote:

> ==== status action init script ====
> mathiaz reminded that this work has been declined for hardy and is targeted
> for Intrepid. The solution would then be based on upstart. All of this
> should be discussed during a session at UDS.
> owh added that some patches have already been prepared for the current init
> scripts. mathiaz suggested to add them to bugs in LP and forward them to
> Debian.
> ACTION: owh to attach existing patches to bugs in LP and forward them to
> Debian.

Was there any discussion of why we want to create this permanent diff with 
Debian over init scripts?  I think we should understand it has real benifit 
that's worth maintaining the difference before we start switching stuff to 
Upstart native scripts.

Scott K

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