Moving w3m out of standard

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Jun 26 12:27:40 UTC 2008

On Thursday 26 June 2008 04:57, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 07:55:28AM -0400, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> > 	traceroute
> We ship tracepath by default, which isn't setuid.  traceroute is in main,
> though, since so many folks are more familiar with it.

I'd like to suggest maybe Desktop and Server should go in different directions 
once we have the server seed.  Tracepath also uses (abuses depending on how 
pedantic one wants to be) UDP instead of ICMP and so there are some real 
functional differences (we discussed this at UDS in one of the server 

It might make sense to push tracepath to the desktop seed and add traceroute 
to the server seed so that traceroute is what we provide for servers.  For me 
it's certainly one of the first things I install on a server after I set it 

Scott K

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