Server Flavors [Was: Re: Platform vs Product [Was: Re: Moving w3m out of standard]]

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Jun 24 00:35:08 UTC 2008

On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 19:10:27 -0500 "Dustin Kirkland" 
<kirkland at> wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> 
>> 3.  Provide a way to scalably provide a lot of different configurations 
>> many specific use cases that doesn't require much additional 
>> and sysadmin time.  I've proposed a spec for one approach to move in this
>> direction:
>I really like the idea of "canned" server flavors!
>Unique CD's per install (as stated in the blueprint), I think, might
>get unwieldy, with perhaps dozens of new server CD's per architecture.
> This is where the hypothetical hosted, vm image builder discussed at
>UDS might be nice.  Fill in a few form values, get a coffee, come back
>and download your new server image.  Perhaps more scalable than unique
>iso for every combination dreamable.
Although the spec is written in terms of a new install/ISO, the FAI 
configuration step could also be done on top of an existing base install.  
I should make the explicit in the spec.

Scott K

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