Recommended SATA card?

David Abrahams dave at
Tue Jun 17 01:21:16 UTC 2008

on Mon Jun 16 2008, David Abrahams <> wrote:

>>   To get around the pci bandwidth limit the options are limited to
>> PCI-E and PCI-X which should both give ample headroom. 
> My x16 PCI-E slots should give 4GB/s and my fastest PCI-X slot is 133Mhz
> are about 1GB per second.  Okay, I guess PCI-X is fast enough for now;
> the cards are a lot cheaper than PCI-E cards.

Hmm, so
is looking pretty good to me.  I like that Ubuntu appears in their list
of compatible linuxes (No Gutsy or Hardy, though; I assume it's just

Anyone want to advise me against that one?

Thanks again,

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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