
James Dinkel jdinkel at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 05:09:47 UTC 2008

Sorry if this is a repost, but I'm pretty sure I oops'd and replied it
directly to Luke:

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:47 AM, Luke L <lukehasnoname at gmail.com> wrote:
> Soren and others,
> oVirt or Enomalism as a remote VM manager would be absolutely fantastic.
> Currently, oVirt is set up so that you put it on its own guest VM,
> though "Brazen" (Dinkel?) says it will not always be so.

Yeah, now I said that I didn't think oVirt would always be in a guest
vm, but now looking over the documentation I can't find what gave me
that impression.  On the FAQ page here: http://ovirt.org/faq.html it
only talks about getting the vm image, and if you click on the
installation instructions, it only tells you how to set it up in a vm.

So maybe it does run in a guest vm, but that really shouldn't be a
problem.  If want it on a dedicated piece of hardware (similar to
Virtual Center) then just have that be the only vm on that machine and
have it manage other machines.  Otherwise, some people will not want
to have to dedicate hardware hardware just for oVirt, so they can run
it in a vm along with the rest of their virtual servers.

So really after thinking about this, I don't see why you couldn't just
install the same software stack on bare metal, but maybe the oVirt
developers think keeping it in a vm is the best way to go.  Or, then,
maybe it really is just intended to use a vm during the development

James Dinkel (Brazen)

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