Bug 0 review pls

Luke lukehasnoname at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 12:37:32 UTC 2008

(I hope this works, this is my first reply in a mailing list (Gmail).

While Linux might be picked up by new businesses, existing large businesses
will never migrate off MS unless we emulate (so to speak) MS. This very well
might be a futile effort. While I believe Linux (Ubuntu especially) should
continue to push into better server management and technologies SIMILAR to
MS, I think we should be careful about focusing too much on MS-swappable

Does that make sense? If we try to implement software in the same way as MS,
then we'll just be a Windows clone. We need to focus not on penetrating
existing large marketsby cloning Windoze, but by making our product more
competitive and functional (via easier administration like web interface,
for just one example) and by promoting the benefits of open software and
standards. Make MICROSOFT think "Man, we need to write some linux-compatible
software" like they're going to do with ODF.

As far as the release schedule goes, I had a Brainstorm idea related to this


It's a little lengthy, I know, but the summary is this: Cut Ubuntu's non-LTS
support time to 6 months. This means a non-LTS release is only actively
monitored while it is the current release. This would give more focus to
development of "testing" and keeping the LTS stable AND up-to-date. Read the
link for more details, and vote if you have an account.

On 5/30/08, Dan Shearer <dan at shearer.org> wrote:
> I have put some text for Bug 0 up at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Bug0#preview . I didn't get into the
> solutions we worked on at UDS, thinking this is what bug report followup
> comments are for and the body was already too long.
> Edit away people, but please don't try to turn it into a classic bug
> report. This bug has a different purpose :-)
> Regards,
> --
> Dan Shearer
> dan at shearer.org
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
> More info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
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