Server Team 2008-01-16 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Jan 17 15:52:43 UTC 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online, with
the irc logs, here:

== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==

Most of the action points from the previous meeting have been done.

sommer contacted the apache maintainer in Debian regarding a default ssl
configuration. No answer was received so far. mathiaz added that it may take a

nealmcb asked about the state of ebox for Hardy. soren didn't anything.

ACTION: soren will email the ebox project manager to get an update about ebox.

sommer stated that a section about JeOS has been added to the Server Guide. The
content is based on the JeOS tutorial written by nijaba. However there may be
some issues with the publisher.

ACTION: sommer will discuss with nijaba whether the JeOS tutorial can be
included in the server guide wrt to the publisher requirements.

== Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap ==

ScottK talked about the state of the MIR writing process, which state can be
tracked on the ServerReviewPackage wiki page [1]. Fabio wrote a lot of them.
ScottK took care of amavisd is making good progress on the front.  Most of the
packages have a MIR written as of now.  ScottK raised the issue that some of
the packages were rejected by Fabio. This should be discussed on ubuntu-server
before rejecting them.


sommer asked whether you need to be a MOTU to write MIR. mathiaz answered that
anyone can write MIR.

ACTION: mathiaz will talk to fabio about rejecting package from the MIR list.

soren said he would publish a post in his blog within the next days about the
state of virtualization in Hardy. It should cover the host side and JeOS.

ACTION: soren will blog and post a mail to ubuntu-server about the current
status of virtualization in Hardy.

zul stated that he got Xen mostly working on Hardy, based on patches from Suse.
It's mostly packaged and sitting in NEW. He has to push out a kernel. mathiaz
asked if his work was tracked somewhere. zul said no, but agreed to create a
wiki page about it and add it the roadmap.

ACTION: zul will an item to the Roadmap about Xen integration in Hardy.

soren hasn't started to track LTS upgrade testing. He'll try to come up with a
plan. He thinks tracking on per package basis is a good starting point. mathiaz
added that writing a page about setting up a LTS upgrade test environment would
help attract testers.

ACTION: soren will devise a plan for tracking upgrades testing.

jdstrand gave an update about the Ubuntu Firewall [2]. He has uploaded the
first version to universe. He'd like to have more testing.


ACTION: jdstrand will send an email about ubuntu-firewall on ubuntu-devel and

sommer and nxvl offered to help for testing. sommer also mentioned that the
firewall section of the Server Guide needs to be updated and reviewed.
Documenting the usage of the new firewall tool would be welcomed. astabeno
offered to help sommer with this.

ACTION: astabeno and sommer will take a look at ubuntu firewall while updating
the firewall section of the server guide.

jdstrand also noted that the project has been renamed to Uncomplicated

mathiaz stated that the current kernel should fully support AppArmor.

soren mentioned that he had a pretty good understanding about what needs to be
done to integrate iscsi [3], mainly related to the installer. He hopes to get a
lot of the coding done next week at the Sprint.


sommer gave a overview of the Documentation front: the Server Guide is being
reviewed for Hardy and progress is made. Documentation freeze may be moved to
allow for more qa time [4]. So if there are any more major sections that need
updated/added it should be done before Feb 14th.


sommer is thinking about adding sections related to eBox and OpenLikewise
(Active Directory integration). An AppArmor section has been added, based on
the content of the wiki page on mathiaz suggested to add a
section about virtualization, based on the blog post from soren.

ACTION: sommer will add a section on virtualization based on soren's blog.

nealmcb requested feedback on the factoids related to ebox. mathiaz and soren
stated it looked good.

ACTION: nealmcb will add an ebox item to the factoids.

== Agree on next meeting date and time ==

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 23rd at 21:00 UTC in


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