likewise-open, first tests and feature freeze

Rick Clark rick.clark at
Wed Feb 13 13:20:24 UTC 2008

Great stuff, thanks for testing.   Can you put these issues in a bug report on 

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On Wednesday 13 February 2008 07:50:14 Fabrizio Balliano wrote:
> Hi to all,
> this morning I did some tested a bit rick's likewise-open package.
> First I'd like to ask you one thing, feature freeze is tomorrow, will
> the package be uploaded before that term?
> Back to the tests, the overall operation is really good and the new
> gtk GUI is great, I found some problems but maybe it's only a metter
> of setting:
> - If I make the password expire from the DC, when I login on the
> client the system says that you need to change password and it works
> perfectly. But if you try to change your password inside a normal
> shell with the passwd command it won't work, it keeps saying that the
> password does not match the rules but there are no rules. Also the
> kpass command doesn't work. Am i missing something?
> - I tried to unplug the network cable and login, the system says "no
> connection to DC, using cached credential" and it works perfectly. But
> when I plug the cable again the system keeps saying that there's no
> connection to the DC also if I can ping it correctly. The problem
> still happens also after a reboot and I can't get the system to work
> again.
> some small note
> - I think the GUI should tell you that it's better to setup ntpdate to
> sync with the DC
> - to login you've to type the username with the "domain\user" format,
> how can we set a default domain?
> - do gdm have support for a drop-down domain choice?
> Thank you very much, I really think that this feature will help big
> linux-switch :-)
> Cheers
> --
> Fabrizio Balliano
> Via G. F. Medail, 32 - 10144 Torino - Italy
> Tel. (+39) - Fax (+39)
> - fabrizio.balliano at
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