likewise-open, first tests and feature freeze

Fabrizio Balliano fabrizio.balliano at
Wed Feb 13 12:50:14 UTC 2008

Hi to all,
this morning I did some tested a bit rick's likewise-open package.

First I'd like to ask you one thing, feature freeze is tomorrow, will
the package be uploaded before that term?

Back to the tests, the overall operation is really good and the new
gtk GUI is great, I found some problems but maybe it's only a metter
of setting:
- If I make the password expire from the DC, when I login on the
client the system says that you need to change password and it works
perfectly. But if you try to change your password inside a normal
shell with the passwd command it won't work, it keeps saying that the
password does not match the rules but there are no rules. Also the
kpass command doesn't work. Am i missing something?
- I tried to unplug the network cable and login, the system says "no
connection to DC, using cached credential" and it works perfectly. But
when I plug the cable again the system keeps saying that there's no
connection to the DC also if I can ping it correctly. The problem
still happens also after a reboot and I can't get the system to work

some small note
- I think the GUI should tell you that it's better to setup ntpdate to
sync with the DC
- to login you've to type the username with the "domain\user" format,
how can we set a default domain?
- do gdm have support for a drop-down domain choice?

Thank you very much, I really think that this feature will help big
linux-switch :-)

Fabrizio Balliano

Via G. F. Medail, 32 - 10144 Torino - Italy
Tel. (+39) - Fax (+39) - fabrizio.balliano at

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