Let's get back to work. Re: Ubuntu is ***** nothing

Loye Young loye.young at iycc.net
Thu Oct 25 18:05:50 UTC 2007

P.S. NMW --  The server mailing list is a developer list, and is the wrong 
place for support issues. If you need more help, write me directly and I'll 
be glad to help. Or, you can go to the Ubuntu website and post to the forums.


On Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:00:30 pm you wrote:
> Folks, we have a lot to do. Let's move on and build something.
> Nay Myo Win said:
> >sorry if i bother u. i wanna see newbie ubuntu as a successful Linux.
> <snip>
> >but it won't boot from CD rom
> >all files are complete not corrupted
> NMW -- Some CD drives (and the legacy Windows operating system that runs
> them) are not standards-compliant. Consequently, densely compressed images
> sometimes don't burn perfectly, and the downloaded .iso sometimes needs to
> be reburned. The downloaded CD uses a compression algorythm that maximizes
> the amount of software that can be loaded on the CD, but the higher
> compression makes it more likely that a mistake will occur when burning the
> CD. It's a tradeoff, because if another compression algorhythm is used, you
> don't get as much software to fit on the CD.
> To verify the CD, first check the MD5 sum of the .iso image. If the ISO has
> a correct MD5, you can be confident that the download was good. To verify
> the burn of the CD, insert the CD and reboot into the Ubuntu CD (make sure
> your BIOS is set to boot from the CD). When you get to the first screen,
> there is an option to test the CD (I forget the exact wording). Run that
> routine. If it fails, the burn of the CD was bad. Burn the image again,
> using another CD. I myself have the same trouble from time to time, so
> don't get discouraged.
> It is possible to skip the burning of the CD, by mounting the .iso to a
> partition on the hard drive, and then booting to that partition, but that
> is a relatively complex technique that requires more command line
> familiarity than you have right now.
> So far, no one has built a perfect company, organization, computer, or
> operating system. As a wise man once said,
> "Computers suck. Computers running Linux suck less."

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