Ubuntu is ***** nothing coz it lacks that services in its installer CD

Keith Morrow nontitle at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 20:02:22 UTC 2007

I agree, let's keep the profanity out of it for the rest of this. I don't
know why ubuntu server is such a problem for you - I've never had a problem
with it. Why do you need root so badly? Just sudo for each command or sudo
-i to switch.  If you want to set up the ssh daemon and you are concerned
with people using sudo and root, just edit the sudoers list so only certain
people can sudo (/etc/sudoers, I believe), there are bound to be examples on
the internet of how to do that.

You're just like many people on digg, you join something just to put it

On 10/24/07, Rick Clark <rick.clark at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 October 2007 15:28:42 Ante Karamatić wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:35:58 +0200
> >
> > Setting up root's password is just a small step in setting up linux
> > server - more time is used for installing ssh daemon :)
> Not anymore, as of Gutsy you can install sshd as part of normal
> installation.
> But I agree with you about bashing other distro's.
> Can we please stop replying to this with profanity in the subject?
> Rick
> --
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