Server Documentation Roadmap

Bhuvaneswaran A bhuvan at
Tue Nov 6 04:05:23 UTC 2007

On 11/2/07, Jonathan Jesse <jjesse at> wrote:
> Good evening Doc Writers and Server Team,
> At UDS-Boston in the server meeting area we discussed the spec "Improve Ubuntu
> Server Documentation", found at this link:
> We had several ideas that I would like to share with the group and would like
> feedback:
> 1.  Update the server guide for each release (specifically focus on 8.04 as it
> is a long term release)
>         a.  Make sure it is posted on in html and available for
> download in PDF
>         b.  Ship it in raw text so that it can be read on the server without a GUI
> 2.  keep full of How-To's that have been vetted by
> someone from the Server Team

We are updating server guide as much as possible for every release.
During last release, Adam have contributed several patches in these
lines. We should continue this effort for every release.

> I've copied the server team so they can add to the discussion as well and also
> if there is someone from the Server Team who is willing to be a point to help
> increase the communication between the server team and the documentation
> team.

If we are going to get help or feedback from the server team, that
would definitely help us to improve the quality of this guide. They
may have more idea of what applications go in with server and we can
tune the guide accordingly.

Do we have point in contact for server team who can provide us
feedback on server guide?
Bhuvaneswaran A
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