Loginprompt shows up before booting is finished in Ubuntu Feisty server
Anders Häggström
hagge.ubuntu at intercorner.net
Tue May 29 11:41:47 UTC 2007
2007/5/29, Nicola Larosa <nico at teknico.net>:
> Upstart isn't about boot time and it is just perfect for servers.
> Upstart does 'monitoring' of services and starts them if they fail.
> Order of started services is not important if you set up events right.
> There is more logic in 'start mail server after networking', then it is
> in 'start networking as 10th service, and mail server as 21st'.
Well, some say it is, you say it isn't. I don't like confusion.
And yes, the idea of upstart is great. I have already said that, but
it does not work yet, and it is not very good to leave beta-testing to
the endusers. Upstart is not really implemented, only a fiew parts and
allmost all my services are still started thru /etc/init.d/-scripts
with a start-clause and a stop-clause.
> This is cause upstart still works in sysv mode. It's not fully
> implemented. At the moment, booting process is (almost) exactly the same
> as on RedHat or SuSE or any other sysv system.
Yes, and that causes a lot of confusion. And it doesn't make me
control the services very good. If Upstart was fully implemeted it
would have been another situation. Now it isn't and it just messes
things up.
> Cause of upstart? That would be like 'i will drop my porsche and go back
> to fiat, cause i don't want to learn how to use tiptronic' :) As in
> Porsche, you can choose another option in Ubuntu too. The name of the
> package is - sysvinit.
Yes, because of Upstart. I don't want it when it's not fully
implemented because I can't use the benefits of it.
As you might have missed I was asking for a way to change back to
SysVinit _or_ change distro. Now there is a way go change back, so I
will still be using Ubuntu, just not Upstart.
2007/5/29, Nicola Larosa <nico at teknico.net>:
> It seems unlikely that server usage has been neglected during all those
> months of upstart deployment. However, should it be the case...
True. With Upstart, I would happily see the use of profiles and groups
of services started together. And the next group shouldn't be able to
start before a whole group (all of its services) is running.
For example:
One first group should be "singleuser-mode" where a bare minimum of
services and tools are started.
Then here could be a "Consol user mode" where filesystems are mounted
and background services are started.
And last a "GUI"-group where Xorg and all the other desktop services
are started/handled.
> ...couldn't you just install the sysvinit package? upstart conflicts with
> it, so it would get removed, and your installation would revert to the
> pre-upstart, standard boot handling.
Yes, I think I will do that. And wait for the project to grow larger
first. M<by I will try to contribute to the project because it sound
like a great idea, when it is fully implemented.
> --
> Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/
Thank you both for trying to help me.
// Anders
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