Some suggestions

Massimo Forti slackwarelife at
Wed May 23 09:51:47 UTC 2007

Hi to all list. I'm Massimo (Slackwarelife launchpad ID).
I'm a young network admin. From some day I am trying to
shape Ubuntu in order to join to my AD.  But I am meeting
some problem that we are to hard work resolving.
Therefore I have thought to write for giving suggestions in
merit also because the same difficulties I have been found
in the questions that have placed me other customers in

Here the difficulty:

- possibility to change the local password and LDAP password
using gnome-about me manager and the Ubuntu windows login
(after the expiration of password).
I try to use some pam config (i used also the Novell and Red
Hat Config), but i'm not able to change at the same time
both passowrd using the gui tools. For windows users are not
so frendly to use the command line. I think we can increase
these tools to be able to change the passowrd.

- Join different domain
In my enterprise I have 20 domains. But the user to join it
must use @domain.naime after the userid. But in Wund there
is a windows in which the user can see all domain and they
can choose the right domain. I think we can change the login
windows and put this info if there is samba.conf with some

- Password exipartion
My try to insert the passowrd expiration in LDAP, but it
didn't do effect in ubuntu. I didn't recive any messages
which informs to me the password is expiried. In Windows
there is a message. I don't know how to resolve it. Now I
set the passwrd expiration in /etc/shadow file to have the
message. But it is not the right way. I think all must admin
into the LDAP server like Windows.

There are three problems I found at the moment. But now I
have others problems. I write another email to explain it.
Thanks for all.

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