Shrinking consumed diskspace

Christian Bjälevik nafallo at
Mon Jun 11 11:14:47 UTC 2007

 Hi Anders,

tis 2007-05-29 klockan 12:00 +0200 skrev Anders Häggström:
> 3. Maby I was using bad english. What I meant was the nVidia
> graphicsdriver and those stuff that is only useful to Xorg but is a
> dependecy for the generic-kernel because it is a kernel module. 

Not to start this discussion again, but I want to point out that if you
get restricted stuff installed you are probably using the wrong linux
metapackage. My clients are running generic fine without packages from

Thanks, /N
Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at>

A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should i start my reply below the quoted text?
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