Server Team 2007-07-17 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Tue Jul 17 20:39:06 UTC 2007


Here are the minutes of the Server Team meeting. They can also be found
online at

* Introductions: 17 people introduced themselves.

* Article in Ubuntu Weekly News about the Server Team:
mathiaz raised the idea of adding a small section about the Ubuntu
Server team in the next UWN.  

ACTION: mathiaz will send to beuno a modified version of the Ubuntu
Server Team announcement to get it published in the UWN.

* Sending meeting notes to the ubuntu-server mailing list and update
wiki pages to point to meeting logs: 

ACTION: mathiaz will update the wiki page and send meeting notes to

* Triagger section review:
soren stated that we need a good plan to triage older bugs. mathiaz
suggested to tackle this problem on a per-package basis, first mysql,
then samba.  This doesn't mean that we should stop triagging/fixing
other bugs in other packages - it's just a way to suggest what new
contributors can do to help.

ACTION: The Ubuntu Server Triagers will focus on triaging mysql bugs
that are in New, Undecided state, especially the old ones.

* Packager section review:   
fernando will add watch files to packages. mathiaz clarified the idea
behind this task: being able to track upstream release (not debian
release) from one location. mathiaz offered to help fernando.

* Tester section review:
All test plans should go under
The iso testing tracker may be used later for tracking tests. That
involves writing test plans for the components and features that need to
be tested. These wiki pages should be put under and will be linked from the iso
testing tracker.

ACTION: mathiaz will move the AppArmor testing plan to Testing/Server.
ACTION: dendrobates will create a test plan for ldap-auth-client.

* Developer section review:
  * Ebox integration:
soren has uploaded some packages in universe. He is looking for more
testers once a few more packages are uploaded.

ACTION: soren will send an email to ubuntu-server once the packages have
been uploaded to ask for more widespread testing.

  * AppArmor integration:
mathiaz reported that apparmor packages should get into main after the
archive is reopened. The packages will be split between core
infrastructure packages in main and profiles in universe. He asked for
more testing.

  * LDAP Authentication Client:
dendrobates has uploaded the meta-package and worked on clarifying the
spec []. jdstrand mentioned
his work on auth-client-config script, which should cooperate with the
packages created by dendrobates.  dendrobates mentioned the spec created
by stephanbuys about an application to manage /etc/pam.d/. 

ACTION: dendrobates will create a wiki page to list the tasks that
people can help with.

* Any Other Business:

  * package maintained by the Ubuntu Server Team:
ScottK asked about the process for deciding which packages the
server-team is going to care about. The current policy is to limit
ourselves to packages in main. Once the team has grown and is organized,
it can be responsible for more packages, both in main and universe.
 * ubuntu-server team membership:
sommer asked if the team was open to everyone. It is, and the process to
apply for membership is outlined in the page.

* Next meeting will be in two weeks on Tuesday, July the 31st at 15:00
UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


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