installing dapper on serial console

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at
Wed Apr 25 06:36:19 UTC 2007

Am 25.04.2007 um 02:37 schrieb Carl Alexander:

> I have a machine with only a serial console that I'd like to
> install 6.06.1 i386 server onto.

Some weeks ago I installed 6.06.1 on a Soekris box and some years ago  
on an IBM-Thinkpad with damaged (=no) CD-ROM: attached my notes in  
German (English summary follows below):

ENGLISH summary:

You need a (Ubuntu)-Box with TFTP-Server, DHCP-Server installed, one  
CD-drive with the Server-CD and the Net-Installer-Image in /var/lib/ 
tftpboot/ubuntu-installer. (The Server CD you have, the Netbootimag  
can be downloaded from the Ubuntu-Webpage, or copied from CD)

1. cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf (if you use dhcpd you may have to change  
this a bit)
## Installation Ubuntu ueber PXE

2. Copy Image:
$ cp -R /media/cdrom/../netboot /var/lib/tftpboot
sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/lib/tftpboot/

3. Start the TFTPServer:
sudo in.tftpd -l -a -s /var/lib/tftpboot

4. Connect your box

5. Boot your box

Sorry, that this is not a perfect documentation (more my personal  
notes) - if you need some more details, pls. ask.
HTH, Ingo

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Ingo Lantschner
Mob (+43-664) 143 84 18

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