[Blueprint server-o-documentation] Improving Ubuntu Server Documentation

Dave Walker davewalker at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 29 11:44:55 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Dave Walker:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items:
- [jwcampbell] look at build toolchain transition needs to produce something similar to docs.openstack.org: TODO
- Look at what we currently have, what needs to change, and plan how we do it: TODO
- [robbiew] look at getting funding for dedicated document resource: DONE
- Jim or Adam to look at an Ubuntu Open Week-type session regarding additional contributions to server docs: TODO
- Server team to identify server resources that could be used to test out server documentation configurations for the purpose of documenting them.: TODO
+ [jwcampbell]  look at build toolchain transition needs to produce something similar to docs.openstack.org: POSTPONED
+ Look at what we currently have, what needs to change, and plan how we do it: POSTPONED
+ [robbiew]  look at getting funding for dedicated document resource: POSTPONED
+ Jim or Adam to look at an Ubuntu Open Week-type session regarding additional contributions to server docs: POSTPONED
+ Server team to identify server resources that could be used to test out server documentation configurations for the purpose of documenting them.: POSTPONED

Improving Ubuntu Server Documentation

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