[Blueprint server-o-load-testing] Server Load Testing Suite

Dave Walker davewalker at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 29 11:44:05 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Dave Walker:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items:
- [canonical-hw-cert] Jeff to list the testing team info so interested parties can sign up and participate in making this happen: DONE
- [canonical-hw-cert] Create a list of the tests to be run (a small number of useful tests to start, we can expand afterwards).: TODO
- [canonical-hw-cert] Documentation of test cases and configs and other useful information (wiki?, testcases.qa.ubuntu.com?): TODO
- [canonical-hw-cert] Package a consistently runnable test suite: TODO
+ [canonical-hw-cert]  Jeff to list the testing team info so interested parties can sign up and participate in making this happen: DONE
+ [canonical-hw-cert]  Create a list of the tests to be run (a small number of useful tests to start, we can expand afterwards).: POSTPONED
+ [canonical-hw-cert]  Documentation of test cases and configs and other useful information (wiki?, testcases.qa.ubuntu.com?): POSTPONED
+ [canonical-hw-cert]  Package a consistently runnable test suite: POSTPONED
  Previous discussions:
  Notes from this session:
  Q: Can you please try to address IPMI (Server management) as well
  A: To what extent?  There is already an IPMI test that performs basic function testing (e.g. connect to the BMC, pull SEL events and system info to ensure that the IPMI bits are working).
  Definition of Done:
  1: Defined list of specific hardware subsystems on servers that are to be tested
  2: Defined list of specific common server applications that are to be tested
  3: Scope infrastructure changes as may be needed (new hardware, etc)
  4: Defined list of tests that will verify server stability and functionality
  5: Defined limits on what is acceptable load minimums and maximums for testing
  6: Defined list of which tests will be hardware certification tests and which will be QA style tests
  7: Responsibilities for each set of tests assigned to the appropriate teams
  8: Tests written if they do not currently exist, tested for usability and implemented in Checkbox
  9: Separate whitelists defined in checkbox for server certification and server QA
  10: New infrastructure in place and operational if necessary
  11: Servers tested using full server certification and server QA whitelists
  12: 11.10 is thoroughly hammered using our new combined Super Monkey Powers
  13: 12.04 is the best Server LTS EVER!

Server Load Testing Suite

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