
Conny uncurbed at
Sat Apr 18 01:58:39 BST 2009

laszlo at skrev:
> Hejsan!
> Tack för hjälpen med USB minnen! Jag kommer åt innehållet men bara med
> hjälp av live-skivan.
> Men i normalt fall då? Då kräver min ubuntu att jag loggar in som root.
> Men hur? Jag är den enda användaren och vid installationen angav jag bara
> den nuvarande inloggningsnamn+lösen.
> Hur loggar jag in som root, med fulla rättigheter?
> Tack igen! Hälsningar Laszlo
Installera usbmount & pmount, det funkade för mig då jag ej kom åt USB 
minnen utan att köra sudo.


mount removable devices as normal user
pmount is a wrapper around the standard mount program which permits normal
users to mount removable devices without a matching /etc/fstab entry. This
provides a robust basis for automounting frameworks like GNOME's Utopia
project and confines the amount of code that runs as root to a minimum.

This package also contains a wrapper "pmount-hal" which reads some
information like device labels and mount options from hal and passes
them to pmount. Install the package "hal" if you want to use this


automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices
This package automatically mounts USB mass storage devices (typically
USB pens) when they are plugged in, and unmounts them when they are
removed. The mountpoints (/media/usb[0-7] by default), filesystem types
to consider, and mount options are configurable. When multiple devices
are plugged in, the first available mountpoint is automatically
selected. If the device provides a model name, a symbolic link
/var/run/usbmount/MODELNAME pointing to the mountpoint is automatically


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