Ubuntu Romania Team ReApproval

Stas Sușcov stas la nerd.ro
Vin Iul 23 14:28:54 BST 2010

În data de Lu, 12-07-2010 la 19:14 +0300, Adi Roiban a scris:
> On Sun, 2010-07-11 at 13:23 +0200, Christophe Sauthier (Huats) wrote:
> > Dear Adi !
> > 
> > Thanks for your quick answer.
> > 
> > If you are already for the reapproval we (the loco council) would be
> > happy to see you on the next council meeting which is the 20 of July.
> We can do that. 
> Not sure if I will be available on the exact date, but most probably
> another team member (team members) will be there.
> Hope this is ok.
> > What do you mean by evalution by email ? you want to be reapproved by
> > email ? this is something that we try to use in some extreme cases...
> > It would be better if you (or someone in your team)can attend the
> > meeting.
> I was thinking that once we have already finalized our re-appoval wiki
> page, the loco-council can evaluate the page and ask various question
> over email.
> Even if you are not taking a decision, (or a final vote now) at least it
> would be nice to receive some feedback and tell us how we can improve
> the page.
> The final decision/vote could be done via IRC.
> Cheers,
> > ALl the best,
> > 
> >          CHristophe
> > 
> > 

Pare-se că mai mulți eram offline/bizi în 20, cum facem să rezolvăm cu

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