[Fwd: Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS released]

Jani Monoses jani.monoses la gmail.com
Vin Ian 29 07:54:20 GMT 2010

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On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Stas Sușcov <stas at nerd.ro> wrote:

> Salut și da-ți mai departe.
> Dacă e deajuns atât cât am tradus, să puneți pe site atunci.
> ---------- Mesaj înaintat ----------
> > De la: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at ubuntu.com>
> > Către: ubuntu-announce at lists.ubuntu.com
> > Subiect: Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS released
> > Data: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:46:42 -0800
> >
> > The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS,
> the
> > fourth maintenance update to Ubuntu's 8.04 LTS release.  This release
> > includes updated server, desktop, and alternate installation CDs for the
> > i386 and amd64 architectures.  Ubuntu 8.04 LTS continues to be maintained
> > through 2011 for desktops and 2013 for servers through online updates,
> but
> > this is the final maintenance release of 8.04 LTS.
> Echipa Ubuntu este nerăbdătoare să anunțe lansarea Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, a

Echipa Ubuntu anunta...

> 4-a lansare intermediară cu actualizări a versiunii LTS 8.04. Această

a 4-a actualizare de mentenanta.

> lansare include actualizări pentru server, desktop și versiunile de
> instalare în mod alternativ a imaginilor pentru CD. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS va
> continua să fie întreținută până în 2011 pentru desktop-uri și până în
> 2013 pentru servere prin actualizări online, însă această lansare va fi
> ultima sub formă de imagini pentru CD.
> >
> > In all, some 70 updates have been integrated, and updated installation
> > media has been provided so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded
> > after installation.  These include security updates and corrections for
> > other high-impact bugs, with a focus on maintaining stability and
> > compatibility with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
> Per total, cam 70 de actualizări au fost integrate, și s-au oferit medii
s/cam/in jur de/

> de instalare a actualizărilor astfel ca să fie nevoie de cât mai puține
> actualizări online după instalare, cu toate acestea atenția a rămas
> focusată pe stabilitate și compatibilitates cu Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
> dupa instalare, accentul ramanand pe stabilitate...

> >
> > To Get Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS
> > ------------------------
> >
> Pentru a obține Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS
> > To download Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, or obtain CDs, visit:
> >
> >   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
> >
> > We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document
> > caveats and workarounds for known issues.  They are available at:
> >
> >   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/804
> >
> > About Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS
> > -----------------------
> >
> > This is the fourth maintenance release of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, which
> > continues to be supported with maintenance updates and security fixes
> > until April 2011 on desktops and April 2013 on servers.
> >
> > This is the last maintenance release for the 8.04 LTS series.  Future
> > security updates will be individually downloadable from the Ubuntu
> archive
> > in the same way as before, but no further updates to installation media
> will
> > be provided for 8.04 LTS.  The next LTS release, 10.04 LTS, will be
> released
> > in April 2010.  We recommend that users installing Ubuntu after April
> > install the latest LTS release.
> >
> > Users do not need to change anything to take advantage of this
> maintenance
> > release on already-installed 8.04 LTS systems; security updates and fixes
> > for other high-impact bugs are always made available over the Internet
> and
> > presented to users for installation by default.  The updated installation
> > media are provided for the benefit of users who are installing Ubuntu
> 8.04
> > LTS on new systems.
> >
> > 77 post-release updates have been integrated in this maintenance release,
> > and several bugs in the installation system have been corrected.  These
> > include security updates and corrections for other high-impact bugs, with
> a
> > focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
> >
> > See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for a full list of Ubuntu security
> updates.
> > As of 2010-01-20, all updates affecting packages on the CD have been
> > applied.
> >
> > A summary of notable updates follows.  See
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu for specific information about a
> > particular bug number.  A complete list of post-release updates can
> > also be found at:
> >
> >   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/8.04.4
> >
> > Installer Updates
> > -----------------
> >
> >  * Add support for using the contents of the CD image on a USB device
> >    (#234185)
> >
> >  * Support installing grub to partitions containing JFS filesystems
> >    (#185878)
> >
> >  * Fix the check for the lilo-installer/skip preseed option (#466769)
> >
> > Desktop Updates
> > ---------------
> >
> >  * Fix handling of SMB/CIFS shares on the desktop (#207072)
> >
> >  * Fix firefox crash in NSSRWLock_LockRead_Util() (#236853)
> >
> >  * Backport pidgin support for version 16 of the Yahoo! Messenger
> Protocol.
> >    The old authentication mechanism was disabled, meaning that it can no
> >    longer be used for signing in to Yahoo! services (#389322)
> >
> > Server updates
> > --------------
> >
> >  * Fix vblade init script failure because pid file is not created
> properly
> >    (#223387)
> >
> >  * Fix freeradius 'reload' action so that it doesn't just stop the daemon
> >    (#252686)
> >
> > General Updates
> > ---------------
> >
> >  * Use stack guard randomization patch from Intrepid glibc to eliminate
> use
> >    of a static sentinel (#275493)
> >
> >  * Include updated daylight savings time rules for Bangladesh, Fiji, and
> >    Argentina (#502110, #486351, #453165)
> >
> > Helping Shape Ubuntu
> > --------------------
> >
> > If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways
> > you can participate at:
> >
> >   http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate/
> >
> > About Ubuntu
> > ------------
> >
> > Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops,
> > netbooks and servers, with a fast and easy install and regular releases.
>  A
> > tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and
> an
> > incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away.
> >
> > Professional services, including support, are available from Canonical
> > Limited and hundreds of other companies around the world.  For more
> > information about support, visit:
> >
> >   http://www.ubuntu.com/support
> >
> > More Information
> > ----------------
> >
> > You can find out more about Ubuntu and about this release on our website:
> >
> >   http://www.ubuntu.com/
> >
> > To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's
> > very low volume announcement list at:
> >
> >   http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce
> >
> --
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