[Merge] ~kondor-dani/compiz:dbus-fix into compiz:master

Daniel Kondor kondor.dani at gmail.com
Thu May 21 17:49:45 UTC 2020

> I am looking at:
> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/erase/
> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/clear/
> What exactly "which are destroyed" means? Sounds like it should be destroyed
> already!? Sorry, I don't know C++...

For list, it means that this will call the destructor of the object removed from the list, which is a Glib::RefPtr<CompWatchFd> in this case. The destructor should then free any memory used by the object. For a Glib::RefPtr, it will call g_object_unref I think:

In my understanding, the problem is that calling the destructor for this object is not sufficient in this case; probably since the MainContext keeps a reference as well which explicitly needs to be removed with the destroy() call.

> Check ~EventManager, it calls g_source_destroy for each fd. For consistently
> maybe g_source_destroy (w->gobj ()) is better?

As far as I can tell g_source_destroy(w->gobj()) and w->destroy() should be equivalent; the former is the C interface, the latter is the C++ interface from glibmm. I think both should work the same, it is a matter of preference.

> Also did you see FIXME in CompWatchFd::internalCallback? Is that unrelated to
> your findings?

I was wondering about that. I think the problem there was how to remove from the list, but that is already done in EventManager::removeWatchFd(), but I'm not sure about this.

On the one hand, it should not be safe to destroy w by removing it from the list if it might be referenced in another thread at this time (or through a callback). On the other hand, since it is a reference counted object, if a reference is kept somewhere else, that might be OK. I'm unsure, but I assume that the MainContext is keeping a reference of all sources added to it and the destroy() call is removing these.

In this case, my fix could introduce a bug dependent on the race condition that a source is destroyed while it is executing. This is protected by the fact that if w->mExecuting is true, w->destroy() will not be called, but this source will be removed when the dispatch function returns false. I believe it is still OK to remove to source from the list here, since the main loop context keeps a reference to it.

Also, is it possible that EventManager::removeWatchFd() and CompWatchFd::internalCallback() run in different threads? I'm assuming not, since then mExecuting would need to be an atomic variable to be protected.

Your team Compiz Maintainers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~kondor-dani/compiz:dbus-fix into compiz:master.

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