[Merge] lp:~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/menuTheme into lp:qtubuntu
Gerry Boland
gerry.boland at canonical.com
Wed Sep 28 15:29:59 UTC 2016
Review: Needs Fixing
+++ src/ubuntuappmenu/gmenumodelexporter.h
+class GMenuModelExporter : public QObject
I was curious if this really needed to be a QObject, but you do use that fact to ensure lifetimes of the objects in signal/lambda connections are correct. So it's ok.
+ QList<QMetaObject::Connection> m_propertyConnections;
I understand why you do this, because QObject::disconnect must have a sender (i.e. first argument) set.
But GMenuModelPlatformMenuItem are QObjects, so on deletion they will clean up their connections. Is that not enough? Do they clean up too late?
+++ src/ubuntuappmenu/gmenumodelexporter.cpp
+inline QString getActionString(const QString& label) {
opening brace on newline - just for consistency.
+ for(auto iter = parts.begin(); iter != parts.end(); ++iter) {
space after the "for" - could you not use Q_FOREACH(const auto &part, parts) and save messing with iterators?
I'd also appreciate an explanatory comment of what "getActionString" is doing.
+ auto item = (GMenuModelPlatformMenuItem*)user_data;
Use C++ static_cast<> please
+#define MENU_OBJECT_PATH QString("/com/ubuntu/Menu/%1")
QStringLiteral would work. But odd to define more than a character constant here,
#define MENU_OBJECT_PATH "/com/ubuntu/Menu/%1"
would be more typical
+ GMenuModelBarExporter::GMenuModelBarExporter(GMenuModelPlatformMenuBar * bar)
+ auto iter = bar->menus().begin();
+ for (; iter != bar->menus().end(); ++iter) {
Q_FOREACH nicer, no? You use these style loops everywhere, any reason?
Also, a quick comment explaining the purpose of these classes and each method would help other readers. I'm especially obsessed with documenting methods that return GThing* pointers, to clearly indicate if or how the returned GThings* should be cleaned up by the consumer.
+ GError *error = NULL;
I see lots of NULL here, can we not use nullptr, or is G stuff incompatible with it? /me obsessed with C++11 goodies
+ bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
leak, is never unref-ed.
+ m_exportedModel = g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model(bus, menuPath.constData(), G_MENU_MODEL(m_gmainMenu), &error);
g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model returns a guint, unsigned int. m_exportedModel is an int. Implicit lossy conversion here, definitely safe?
+ error = NULL;
Leak, you should be doing g_error_free (err)
+ GMenuModelPlatformMenu* gplatformMenu = qobject_cast<GMenuModelPlatformMenu*>(platformMenu);
I see this a bunch of places, it can be simpler:
auto gplatformMenu = static_cast<GMenuModelPlatformMenu*>(platformMenu);
+void GMenuModelExporter::addSubmenuItems(GMenuModelPlatformMenu* gplatformMenu, GMenu* menu)
There's a lot going on here, quick comment explaining the intention would be good. I'm just looking at the code, it appears fine. Q_FOREACH not suitable, but you can use static_cast instead of qobject_cast here.
+ bool checkable(GMenuModelPlatformMenuItem::get_checkable(gplatformMenuItem));
I prefer = instead of () assignment for simple types - same line could be misinterpreted as a function declaration
same for "checked" inside the conditional.
+ std::function<void(bool)> updateChecked = [gplatformMenuItem, action](bool checked) {
perfect place for an "auto"
+ auto type = g_action_get_state_type(G_ACTION(action));
'type' is a GVariantType*, I suspect it should be deleted somewhere
+ std::function<void(bool)> updateEnabled = [gplatformMenuItem, action](bool enabled) {
another auto
/me hates G code, due to the fact g_object_unref is scattered all around the code, making it is so easy to leak. Have you see this:
We used this all the time, it could wrap gobjects in a scoped pointer so they'd be automatically deleted when they go out of scope. I'm not blocking this MP on this point however.
More coming...
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