[Merge] lp:~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/menuTheme into lp:qtubuntu

Gerry Boland gerry.boland at canonical.com
Wed Sep 28 14:13:37 UTC 2016

Review: Needs Fixing

=== modified file 'README'
+  * ubuntu.mirclient             - For all other messages frm the ubuntumirclient QPA.
+ * ubuntu.appmenu - For all messages frm the ubuntuappmenu QPA theme.
typo: "from"

=== modified file 'debian/control'
+ appmenutheme provides you with an integrated application menu in your global
+ menu bar. It functions as a QPA platformtheme plugin.
I just want to edit this to remove the subject from the sentence:
Appmenutheme enables the export of application menus to a global menu bar. It is implemented in a QPA platform theme plugin.

=== added file 'src/ubuntuappmenu/com.ubuntu.MenuRegistrar.xml'
+ main interface is docuemented here: @ref com::ubuntu::MenuRegistrar.
typo: "documented"

+ ensure this method is called with the same connection that implmenets the object.
and one more "implements"

+ Associates a gmenumodel with a application
typo: "an application"

+    <arg name="menuObjectPath" type="o" direction="in">
+        <dox:d>The object on the dbus interface implementing the gmenumodel interface</dox:d>
+     </arg>
+     <arg name="actionObjectPath" type="o" direction="in">
+ <dox:d>The object on the dbus interface implementing the gmenumodel interface</dox:d>
Documentation text could be slightly better (in both RegisterAppMenu and RegisterSurfaceMenu)

+ A method to allow removing a application menu from the database.
same typo: "an application"

+ ensure this method is called with the same connection that implmenets the object.
"implements" again

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