[Merge] lp:~dandrader/qtubuntu/betterSessionName into lp:qtubuntu

Daniel d'Andrada daniel.dandrada at canonical.com
Wed Jun 1 13:12:37 UTC 2016

On 01/06/2016 09:48, Nick Dedekind wrote:
>> +QByteArray UbuntuClientIntegration::generateSessionName(QStringList &args)
>> >+{
> Perhaps use QApplication::applicationName first? I actually had a branch for this about a thousand years ago, but it never went anywhere.

QApplication::applicationName might not be set yet when 
QPlatformIntegration is created (which is really early). It can be set 
or even changed at any time by calling 
QCoreApplicaiton::setApplicationName, and we would have not way of 
updating your session id to follow those changes. So the only thing sure 
to exist at QPlatformIntegration creation is the application arguments.

Your team Ubuntu Phablet Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~dandrader/qtubuntu/betterSessionName into lp:qtubuntu.

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