[Merge] lp:~uriboni/webbrowser-app/ctrl-click-link into lp:webbrowser-app

Olivier Tilloy olivier.tilloy at canonical.com
Tue Nov 10 19:18:52 UTC 2015

After many attempts to get the test failing with some additional logging, I finally got something:

QDEBUG : QmlTests::BrowserTab::test_load_unload() qml: webview changed: null false
QDEBUG : QmlTests::BrowserTab::test_load_unload() qml: webview changed: QQuickItem_QML_65(0xb8558a08) false
FAIL!  : QmlTests::BrowserTab::test_load_unload() Uncaught exception: Invalid attempt to destroy() an indestructible object
   Loc: [/tmp/buildd/webbrowser-app-0.23+16.04.20151103bzr1275pkg0vivid5120+autopilot0/src/app/webbrowser/BrowserTab.qml(84)]
QDEBUG : QmlTests::BrowserTab::test_load_unload() qml: completed webview component QQuickItem_QML_65(0xb8558a08)

In that branch with additional logging, line 84 corresponds to the call to "tab.load()" in test_load_unload().
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