[Merge] lp:~artmello/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-new_history into lp:webbrowser-app

Bill Filler bill.filler at canonical.com
Tue Jul 15 21:21:06 UTC 2014

Works very nice. A few comments:
1) many sites are missing favicons, especially the ones in the history from some days ago. I believe Olivier said these are not stored locally, but maybe they should be. At minimum we should have a place holder icon (like a globe or something) for the sites that don't have favicons. Would be better than blank white shape.

2) I think the spec says to only display 2 links and then a See More button. This works well for sites with more than 3 links, but sites with exactly 3 links show all of them when expanding. I don't think it's bad, but is different than what the spec says.

3) The second level list (when expanding the main list) is scrollable, but don't know if it needs to be as we're only showing two items

Can't wait to see the See More page!
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