
Robie Basak robie.basak at
Sat Sep 10 10:43:41 UTC 2022

Hi Erich,

On Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 05:32:45PM -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> You may have seen my post and discussion in the MLs of ubuntu-devel, kubuntu-
> devel and ubuntu-studio-devel (really, those with the Plasma desktops) lacking 
> a way to be notified when a new Ubuntu version is released. This is a huge 
> detriment to our users, and I hope to correct this as soon as possible.

Thank you for looking into this! I appreciate your concern about the UX.

> This is where things get tricky. I realize this is a somewhat unusual request, 
> but I believe this needs to be included in 22.04 as well. I know that entirely 
> new packages are highly frowned-upon for stable releases, but I feel the 
> detriment to users not getting a notification about a new release and getting 
> stuck on an EOL release might be a bigger detriment than the small risk this 
> small package might create.

Speaking for the SRU team, I can't provide a hard answer without
consulting with other members first, but it sounds like this is the sort
of thing that we would make an exception for exactly because it relates
to the UX of moving to the next release.

Exactly what would or would not be acceptable depends on the details
which I understand have yet to be figured out (or, at least, aren't laid
out in a bug yet). I encourage you to continue and I'll make sure we
give you feedback along the way as necessary so we end up with a
solution that's acceptable to everyone.

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