Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix packages

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 23 14:46:30 UTC 2022

Hi all!

As many of you know, Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix[1] has been around for
around 3 years, consistently following the Ubuntu release cycle. I have
volunteered my time to help Joshua Peisach (ItzSwirlz) to bring his
required packages into the Ubuntu repositories which, at this point,
really only amount to around three source packages:

ubuntucinnamon-environment:    Mostly the GTK and icon theme

ubuntucinnamon-artwork:        Plymouth theme, lightdm theme

ubuntucinnamon-wallpaper:      Wallpapers

There is also an ubuntucinnamon-meta package which Joshua has been
creating manually, but I suspect this should be uploaded later after a
germinate seed has been created.

Anyhow, I'm helping him out with my MOTU hat on to get these packages
sponsored and uploaded so that he can *finally* apply for official seed
status. So far, I've been impressed as his packaging has been top-notch
with just a few lintian issues that I've been helping him clean-up.

Overall, Ubuntu Cinnamon is of a high-quality that I'd expect of an
official Ubuntu flavor, and I will be honored to help usher it in to
becoming one.

With that, expect a few non-Ubuntu Studio or Kubuntu-related uploads
coming from me for Archive Admin review as sponsored for this project.

If any of you have any thoughts on this, let me know, and either myself
or Joshua will be happy to answer any questions.


Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Member - Ubuntu Community Council

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