URGENT: Redesigned Mascot Wallpaper

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 14 14:46:46 UTC 2022

Hi Monica,

I'm CC'ing the release team so they know to expect a ton of artwork-related 
uploads. Today is supposed to be Final Freeze, so I'm sure this throws a few 
wrenches into some cogs. Not that it can't be overcome, but the release team 
just needs to be aware. :)

On Thursday, April 14, 2022 7:40:47 AM PDT Monica Ayhens-Madon wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm sorry to make an already busy week even busier, but based on community
> feedback and internal review, we're making some slight changes to the
> official mascot artwork. Design is just finishing these changes and we will
> have the greyscale assets to you ASAP for recoloring and filing a UIFe.
> Again, we are so sorry for the last minute change, and let us know what we
> can do to help!
> Cheers,
> Monica

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Member - Ubuntu Community Council
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