Flavours - and talking to each other

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Thu May 10 23:27:56 UTC 2018


On 05/10/2018 03:02 PM, flocculant wrote:
> Up to now, about the only contact we all have with each other is when we
> needed to respond to a "Who's taking part in this milestone" mails.
> Sometimes if someone had an issue they might talk to a flavour that used
> the same package or the like. Xubuntu often talked to Martin Wimpress
> for instance.
> I'm wondering if we all need to have some talking shop available to us -
> we could use e-mail, but then what list?

Thanks for bringing this up!

Email might not be the best place.

> We could have meetings - but that sounds to me a bit too onerous - the
> likely place for that would be IRC - then we have timezones to deal with.

Even if it's not frequently used, I've gone ahead and created
#ubuntu-flavors on freenode. It'd be good if representatives from each
flavor would be there.

Even if it's just for informal discussion, I think having an IRC channel
is a good idea.

> We do now have https://community.ubuntu.com - we could set up a Category
> there - Flavour discussions (or something) and people could start
> inter-flavour discussions as topics came to them.

I also think this is a really good idea for formally proposing things.

Thanks again!

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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