On Ubuntu release schedule

Masayuki Hatta mhatta at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 11:49:16 UTC 2018


I2P will release the next release 0.9.38 in the coming January, and
also plans the next-next release 0.9.39 sometime between Feb. - April.

We'd like to put .39 to the next Ubuntu release.  Could you tell me
the "dead line" date?

(I tried to find the release cycle info on Ubuntu Wiki, but couldn't
figure out -- appreciate if you point me out!)

Best regards,

Masayuki Hatta
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
University, Japan


mhatta at gnu.org  / mhatta at debian.org / mhatta at opensource.jp /
hatta.masayuki at surugadai.ac.jp

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