Re-evaluating Ubuntu's Milestones

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at
Sat Apr 21 01:35:04 UTC 2018

Happy Release Week!

I do not believe there have been any -1s to this proposal from any
flavor, nor from the Release Team, so I think it's time to move forward
with it.

In summary, what will now happen from here on out is that opt-in
milestones will be discontinued in favor of testing "weeks" (Tuesday
through Thursday). I can organize the testing weeks for the 18.10 cycle
(so we can get a process going), but from the 19.04 cycle and on,
representatives (probably Release Managers) from any active flavor can
(and should!) organize these testing weeks.

Additionally, I will look into the automated testing Steve brought up
shortly after the 18.04 release, with the goal being to adopt that
sooner rather than later. I'll write a follow-up email to ubuntu-release
once I have something to show for that.

Thanks everyone!

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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