Ubuntu Meta-Release & Meta-Release-LTS

Triston Line tmanaok at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 06:20:53 UTC 2018

And would you look at that, suddenly, a wild ppa.launchpad.net appeared.


(It's back up!) No that wasn't the purpose of the original email....

On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:45 PM, Triston Line <tmanaok at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ubuntu Release Team,
> I'm setting up a local mirror to support upgrading using the mirror and I
> haven't been able to test upgrading yet due to the
> changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-relase and meta-release-lts files haven't been
> updated to include Ubuntu 18.04. Thank you if I've missed a memo or
> overlooked any research results that would explain the delay in the file
> update.
> I hope this email doesn't come across as harassment haha, I'm in no rush
> just hope nothing's been forgotten. Thanks everyone for all your hard work.
> Triston Line
> PS
> Yes I've tried do-release-upgrade -d without success, if I may have
> missed something I'd love to hear it as I'm only network engineer, not a
> full time systems administrator. Thanks, again.
> *Also launchpad is down* for one reason or another at the time of
> writing. Tested locally, cellulary and had a friend and a foreign website
> give it a go, nada.
> or http://ppa.launchpad.net/
> <https://l.messenger.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fppa.launchpad.net%2F&h=ATOFiQKOw7chWgV1oQCL9oUWWYGBcShcQles1XwzPVTGSSFKGY3wu8qChotqwgsyun2Yjt5Qi4AQuHR_P8_MvjgHul8UbJCDjttZm5QGnYzV3R8>
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