Apply for lts (18.04) status - Ubuntu Budgie

Dustin Krysak dustin at
Tue Dec 5 22:23:57 UTC 2017

Thanks Jeremy. Appreciate the feedback. I had pulled it from there...  :-)

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017, 12:49 Jeremy Bicha, <jbicha at> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Dustin Krysak <dustin at>
> wrote:
> > Since 18.04 will be the first LTS for Ubuntu Budgie,  I posted over on
> the
> > community hub
> > (
> )
> > to find out the process to apply for lts status for the upcoming
> release. It
> > was suggested that I post here stating the intended support duration
> that we
> > planned on supporting the LTS... The Ubuntu Budgie team was looking to
> do a
> > 3 year support cycle.
> >
> > Is any additional information needed? I saw in the past that a proposals
> had
> > been drafted on Is the process documented any where?
> Stéphane Graber pointed out in today's Tech Board meeting that this is
> the documentation for LTS applications:
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Bicha
Dustin Krysak
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