Trusty daily trusty-proposed updates?

Adam Conrad adconrad at
Mon Jan 25 17:42:36 UTC 2016

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 09:13:35PM -0600, Erick Brunzell wrote:
> According to my calendar 14.04.4 is tentatively due February 4th:

This will pronbably end up delayed for a week, due to some scheduling
conflicts with Canonical QA being double-booked that week.  I'll
announce something to ubuntu-release later today.

> So I gave the Ubuntu GNOME 20160124 amd64 daily image a quick bit of
> testing and I notice that trusty-proposed is still on via
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d. Is this intentional?

This is intentional at this point in the cycle.  -proposed will get
turned off as we get closer to release (and once the updated X stack
has migrated to -updates).

... Adam

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