15.04 release planning session?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Tue Nov 11 18:23:07 UTC 2014

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 06:41:46 Adam Conrad wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 07:50:30AM -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > Someone please remember to harass Riddell about attending as I'll be
> > travelling for $WORK and not available.
> I'm whipping up a draft release schedule tomorrow (today, I guess, but
> after I've slept), if you have any KDE-specific events, or just FLOSS
> events in general that you're concerned we'll have conflicts with, let
> me know, and I'll see about accomodating the world.
> ... Adam

Here's what I can currently divine about KDE release schedules:

First, upstream have improved things by breaking what used to be known as KDE 
into bits with their own release schedules, so instead of one, there are 

KDE Frameworks (successor to the unified kdelibs):

Monthly releases (feature releases only, no bug fixes) the first or second week 
of each month.  KF5 5.4 was just released last week and 5.5 is scheduled for 
December 11th.  We don't have dates past then, but they will continue monthly.  
We may seek FFe to continue updating past FF since upstream is allegedly 
careful to maintain compatibility.

Plasma 5 (the desktop environment):

We've just landed 5.1.1.  5.1.2 (bug fix) is scheduled for December 16th.  For 
5.2 (what I expect we will release with, but it's not decided), beta release 
(which we anticipate packaging) will be released January 13th and 5.2.0 is 
scheduled for January 27th.  I would be nice to avoid milestones those two 

Applications/14.12 (the rest of what used to be KDE SC):

Releases are now numbered year/month.  14.12 beta 3 is November 19th and final 
release is December 17th.  It would be nice to avoid an Ubuntu milestone that 
week.  Bug fix releases are planned January 13th, February 3rd, and March 3rd.  
For the first two, I doubt it matters, but it'd be nice not to have an Ubuntu 
milestone the week of March 3rd.

Scott K

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