Draft Utopic Release Schedule

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Thu May 1 19:04:43 UTC 2014

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 05:31:56PM -0600, Adam Conrad wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 05:19:17PM -0600, Adam Conrad wrote:

> > If you want specific things added (like, say, vUDS[1], some important
> > community summit/sprint for Flavour X, etc), also let me know.

> Okay, so I have vUDS dates on there now.  Which looks silly being two
> weeks after "FeatureDefinitionFreeze", and I'm wondering if that's a
> milestone people actually use, if we want to move it right after vUDS,
> keep it where it is, and accept that this vUDS is more about discussion
> than definition, or remove the milestone entirely as being something
> that perhaps doesn't make sense to everyone/anyone?  Thoughts?

FeatureDefinitionFreeze is an important point of the cycle.  Trying to
finalize blueprints /before/ vUDS isn't particularly helpful; and while it's
suboptimal to have vUDS this late in the cycle, I think it's best to move
FDF to the week after vUDS.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek at ubuntu.com                                     vorlon at debian.org
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