Opt-in alpha-1 this week

jackyu at ubuntukylin.com jackyu at ubuntukylin.com
Tue Dec 16 00:46:57 UTC 2014

Hi stgraber,

Ubuntu Kylin will participate in alpha-1 release. Thanks.

Jack Yu
Ubuntu Kylin Team
Website: http://www.ubuntukylin.com/
Distribution: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntukylin

At 2014-12-16 06:34:02, "Stéphane Graber" <stgraber at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>Sorry for not sending this earlier, I've been travelling for the past 48
>hours or so...
>So this week is the first opt-in alpha for vivid. If you are a flavour
>lead and would like to participate, please let me know and I'll turn off
>the cronned image build and add you to the QA tracker.
>This time around, the paperwork (release notes, announcement, ...) is
>handled by Jonathan Riddell so please get in touch with him directly for
>anything related to the usual release paperwork.
>Also, I'll be around all day tomorrow but I'm off on Wednesday. I expect
>to have any QA tracker integration problems resolved tomorrow (the first
>milestone can be a bit rough) so that on Wednesday you can do everything
>by yourself as usual.
>Then I'll be back on Thursday for the actual image publishing.
>Stéphane Graber
>Ubuntu developer
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