[Kernel] Weekly Status 2013-01-23

Leann Ogasawara leann.ogasawara at canonical.com
Wed Jan 23 20:46:14 UTC 2013

== Weekly Status ==
Links to overall status, burn down charts, and work item tracking can be
found at the following:

 * Overall Status
  * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Raring

 * Burn Down Charts
  * 13.04 Month 3:
  * Overall:

 * Work Item Tracking
  * https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-distro-team/+upcomingwork

=== What was done engineering wise? ===
We have rebased our Raring kernel to the latest upstream v3.8-rc4 Linux
kernel and uploaded.  Please test and let us know your results.

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release
as a whole? ===
We have also been working to isolate 2 regressions which were reported
with the latest 3.5.0-22.34 Quantal kernel:

 * Bug:1103320 - Ubuntu 13.04 and 12.04.2: Login screen does not appear
after installing OS on SL4545 G7
  * The fix for this is cherry-picking upstream commit 51861d4e

 * Bug:1101666 - inotify fd leak
  * The fix for this will be to revert the problematic fsnotify
patches.  This will result in Bug:1096137 being re-opened and further
investigation to discover a proper set of patches which do not introduce
a regression.

We intend to respin the Quantal kernel in order for these fixes to land
in time for the 12.04.2 point release.

=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items,
release wide concerns? ===
Nothing at this time.

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