Future Releases

Allison Randal allison at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 13 20:02:09 UTC 2012

I'm sorry to hear this, Kate. You have done an amazing job, and it's
been an honor to work with you in this role.

On the wider scale of Ubuntu culture/politics, the change could turn out
to be a good thing. In many open source projects with corporate
sponsors, the Release Manager is a role appointed through community
governance processes. In recent years there has been some (entirely
understandable) tension caused by a role that is so central to the
entire Ubuntu Project being appointed through the Canonical hiring process.

Some very practical questions I'm sure will be discussed at UDS:

- Who will run the weekly project-wide release meeting?
- How will the flavors coordinate their releases and release needs?
- What will the process be for keeping on top of release critical bugs
and ensuring they don't slip through the cracks of "somebody else's

Canonical can eliminate the employment position, and distribute internal
release-related work, but there are still a number of functions within
the Ubuntu Project that will need to be served by someone. Logically
this work falls to the Release Team, and it will be largely up to you
all to decide how you want to distribute it (with guidance from
additional members of the TB who aren't already on the Release Team, if
you want it), and whether to recognize some form of coordination role or
roles in the team with responsibility for various pieces.


On 10/12/2012 06:53 AM, Kate Stewart wrote:
> Dear Release Team members and Ubuntu Flavor leads, 
> Evolution and organic changes across Canonical have resulted in
> headcount consolidation such that there will be no dedicated 
> Release Manager role going forward.
> I am proud to be a member of the Ubuntu community and the best 
> release team around, and intend to remain so for the foreseeable future.
> I will be in my current role with Canonical until 28 October and will
> continue to work with you to complete the 12.10 release.
> My plans for UDS at this time are still emerging,  at a minimum I look
> forward to participating remotely in the usual 12.10 feedback session
> during UDS and as many other sessions as possible.
> Thank you for your support throughout my time at Canonical and for your
> help during this transition.
> Kind regards,
> Kate

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