[Desktop] Release Meeting 2012-06-15

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 15 14:40:06 UTC 2012

Le 15/06/2012 12:17, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
>  * GTK 3.5 is ready for upload (will likely be uploaded on monday) 

Note that a few packages build-depending on 3.5 (gnome-online-account, 
nautilus) got uploaded today, gtk was meant to be uploaded as well but 
that didn't happen and it took us a bit to figure out that it was missing.

To be safe on a friday afternoon, at this point, we prefer to keep those 
packages in depwait during the w.e and upload the new gtk on monday. Is 
there any concern from the release team about those packages staying in 
depwait state for some days?

Sebastien Bacher

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