Changes to the SRU processes?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Jul 17 19:53:03 UTC 2012

Hey everyone,

We got some recent SRU issues where regressions were not detected before 
having the upload copied to -updated. Those issues were discussed with 
the people who maintain the packages and it an obvious flaw in both 
cases is that the maintainers are just too busy to keep up with incoming 
bugs and didn't spot the new reports due to that.

Since that's likely to happen again I would like to discuss some 
improvements to the current process:

- while I don't like to add extra steps in the way of SRU updates, 
should we discuss having a "check bugs reported since the SRU was 
uploaded for any potential regression" on the list of steps before 
copying a SRU to -updates?

Not sure that should be the SRU team responsability, maybe the uploader 
should do that when the upload is flagged "good to go"?

That's probably not needed for every upload so what about using a new 
tag for the updates that seem worth that extra check before being copied?

- some people asked what we could do to improve the chances that 
reported regressions are flagged as such. Do we currently tag the bugs 
concerning -proposed or -updates versions in some way? If not, could we 
do that? It would narrow the list of bugs to check out for potential 

- other ideas of what we could improve...?

Sebastien Bacher

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