[Lubuntu] Release Meeting 2012-01-27

Julien Lavergne gilir at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 27 14:26:18 UTC 2012


=== What was done engineering wise? ===
 * Uploaded new default settings
 * Work on the new artwork.

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ===
  * New session manager should land next week, it may have side effects
on the stability of the daily-live ISO

=== Release Notes ===
Nothing more this week.

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===
Nothing specific.

=== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items? ===

=== Issues? ===
  * bug 918401 : daily-live ISO installed a broken system (crash of the
greeter at start). lightdm-gtk-greeter need to be updated to 1.1.1. It's
available in a branch ( lp:~agateau/lightdm-gtk-greeter/ubuntu), but
still need to be uploaded to the repository

Julien Lavergne

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