Disabling whoopsie by default in the 12.04.1 release

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 7 09:01:52 UTC 2012

Am Dienstag, den 07.08.2012, 08:19 +0200 schrieb Didier Roche:

> - the most important point in my opinion is that we are making the user 
> paying the price about the error. We are interrupting them when they are 
> using application X (or even maybe when they are watching a video on 
> youtube/totem) and popping up about "hey, the service Y crashed, do you 
> want to report it?". I guess this is my major issue about the problem 
> and really expecting your work on batching the error reports in a 
> sensible way to fix it. 

while i dont agree that switching off whoopsie is a good idea (instead
we should give the teams more resources or even hire a complete LTS
maintenance team at some point) i totally agree with the above ...

the problem with whoopsie is for me as a user less the frequency than
the behavior:

- popping up for issues that didnt happen in the current session should
completely be avoided (yes, we might miss some shutdown issues due to
that but it would feel way less bad in the user side if you dont have
five popups in a row for piled up stuff right after login)

- the popup completely steals my focus while i'm in the middle of typing
(or even worse when i'm at the end of a sentence and hit enter which
triggers the selected default button in the UI)

- if i dont want to care for it right now and click a different window
into the foreground there is no way at all to get back to it, it doesnt
show up in the alt+tab list nor in the launcher, my only way to get to
it again is to minimize all open windows that cover it.

i think with these three issues resolved it would feel to me personally
a lot less intrusive.

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