FFE for missing deps?

Stefan Potyra stefan.potyra at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Tue Mar 9 09:59:53 GMT 2010


Am Monday 08 March 2010 13:42:45 schrieb Szilveszter Farkas:
> Hi,
> I'm a member of the Canonical ISD team, which volunteered to get
> lazr.restful and its dependencies packaged for Lucid. Daniel Holbach
> brought to my attention, that lazr.restful cannot be installed, because
> some dependencies are missing. Shall I file a Feature Freeze Exception
> for those two packages (zope.pagetemplate, lazr.enum) to get them into
> Lucid, or are they allowed to get straight in after being REVU'd?

please file an FFe.

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