[Ubuntu-QC] Cannot boot since I did the updates on Asus K52JR

louis Brunet tiloubrunet at gmail.com
Mar 2 Avr 11:02:43 UTC 2013

pray and try somethin else mane
like, test a 3.7 or a 3.8 kernel

On lun 01 avr 2013 17:33:14 EDT, netherlands6 <linlynx6 at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> I'm really disapointed by this issue I never had issue with dell and
> Toshiba computer but with this one I have hard time and 100% ubuntu
> computer are really expensive : Clevo W351HU W251HUQ W250HUQ P151EM
> P150EM where to find them except in europe? Those are really
> interresting computer but didnt find an American or Canadian site to buy
> them, the only way I can buy computer at the moment if is the site or
> store offer weekly or montly paiement. I live in Canada.
> The system I have installed is: Ubuntu 12.04LTS I try to boot since I did
> the update and after I choose the kernel in grub menu we see an animation
> with white and red dot than after it flash a black screen and then
> nothing else happen.
> I try : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade in the console and did update-grub then reboot but
> on the reboot it was the same nothing change. I also tryied to modify the
> description of a kernel in the grub menu by hitting e I replace quiet
> splash by nomodeset but it result in command line login instead of
> graphical login. Please how to fix this?
> So please how could I resolve my issue with my actual computer?
> is there any command I can do in command line?
> Thank and have your self a nice day take care ;)
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://ubuntu-qc.124361.n3.nabble.com/Cannot-boot-since-I-did-the-updates-on-Asus-K52JR-tp4025013.html
> Sent from the Ubuntu-Qc mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -- 
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