[Ubuntu-QC] Témoignages recherchés en anglais

Philippe Marchand snowrnnr at gmail.com
Jeu 11 Fév 13:48:57 GMT 2010

On my part, Ubunqu-qc is an opportunity to learn on the working of the OS.
Through shared problems and solutions, I have discovered a whole universe of
unknown possibilities. But above all, the discussion list lifted the
curtains on the problematic of proprietary software protected by DRMs. It
also showed me what the team was up to in his fight, on a technical and
political scale, for free software (see the multiples charges against
Radio-Canada's proprietary software's politic).

- Philippe Marchand

2010/2/10 Alexandre Patenaude <alexandre.patenaude at gmail.com>

> I study in IT, and I use Ubuntu every day at school. It's my main operating
> system. My classmates really enjoy looking at me to see what I can do with
> Ubuntu, are impressed by its functionnalities and its stability, and get
> more and more interested in free-libre software. Ubuntu-Qc could become a
> "plaque tournante" of informations about Ubuntu in the province.
> -- Alexandre Patenaude
> J'aurai essayé, en espérant que mon Englische ne soit pas trop mauvais. :-P
> --
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